QUESTING - traducción al árabe
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QUESTING - traducción al árabe

Letterboxer; Questing
  • A letterbox by [[Alec Finlay]], with a rubber stamp poem: "There is a fork in every path".





بَحَثَ عَنْ الشَّيْء : طَلَبَهُ وَفَتَّشَ عَنْهُ ; تَابَع ; تَفَقَّدَ ; تَنَقَّبَ عَنْ

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If you are questing for something, you are searching for it. (LITERARY)
He had been questing for religious belief from an early age.
...his questing mind and boundless enthusiasm.
VERB: only cont, V for n, V-ing


Letterboxing (hobby)

Letterboxing is an outdoor hobby that combines elements of orienteering, art, and puzzle solving. Letterboxers hide small, weatherproof boxes in publicly accessible places (like parks) and distribute clues to finding the box in printed catalogs, on one of several web sites, or by word of mouth. Individual letterboxes contain a notebook and a rubber stamp, preferably hand carved or custom made. Finders make an imprint of the letterbox's stamp in their personal notebook, and leave an impression of their personal signature stamp on the letterbox's "visitors' book" or "logbook" — as proof of having found the box and letting other letterboxers know who has visited. Many letterboxers keep careful track of their "find count".

Ejemplos de pronunciación para QUESTING
1. questing for more.
How to Create a Mind _ Ray Kurzweil _ Talks at Google
2. See, I'm saying about the questing
Religion and the Opening Up of the Mind _ Bishop Robert Barron _ Talks at Google
3. and of the heart, this questing, this searching for ..
Religion and the Opening Up of the Mind _ Bishop Robert Barron _ Talks at Google
4. That opening up of the questing mind and heart
Religion and the Opening Up of the Mind _ Bishop Robert Barron _ Talks at Google
5. This is sometimes called questing, which is a pretty epic name for just sitting there,
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Ejemplos de uso de QUESTING
1. All of the stories are based on Christopher Robins questing relationship with the characters, he said.
2. "Breakthrough" is an apt word for her determined questing, over a long career, to achieve a sensitive imagery that might surprise her as well as others.
3. Divers are a questing lot, always searching for new places to go and new animals to see – but for a price.
4. However large these changes in his life might seem, nothing is wasted, and Alavi‘s technical background, when combined with his spiritual questing, may have given him a uniquely creative direction to his art.
5. Tatsuya Ichihashi is wanted by police for questing over Lindsay‘s death In a statement read by British ambassador Graham Fry, Bill Hawker said his daughter‘s murder had "brought shame" on the Japanese people.